The TinyTV 2 and TinyTV Mini - Raspberry Pi RP2040-powered TV

 The TinyTV 2 and TinyTV Mini are two new, teeny RP2040-powered TV boards that are taking the world of DIY electronics by storm. These tiny boards are designed to be used in a variety of different projects, and they offer a range of features and capabilities that are sure to impress even the most seasoned makers and hobbyists.

The TinyTV 2 and TinyTV Mini Teeny -  Raspberry Pi RP2040-powered TV

One of the most notable features of the TinyTV 2 and TinyTV Mini is their size. These boards are incredibly small, making them ideal for use in a variety of different projects, including handheld games, e-reader displays, and more. Despite their small size, however, these boards are packed with features and capabilities, making them a powerful tool for DIY enthusiasts.

One of the key capabilities of the TinyTV 2 and TinyTV Mini is their ability to play video and display graphics. These boards are powered by the RP2040 microcontroller, which provides fast and reliable performance for demanding applications. Additionally, the TinyTV 2 and TinyTV Mini are equipped with a built-in display controller, which makes it easy to display images and videos on an attached display.

The TinyTV 2 and TinyTV Mini Teeny -  Raspberry Pi RP2040-powered TV

In addition to their display capabilities, the TinyTV 2 and TinyTV Mini also offer a range of other features and capabilities that are sure to impress. For example, these boards are equipped with a range of connectivity options, including USB and I2C, which makes it easy to connect to a variety of different devices and peripherals. Additionally, the TinyTV 2 and TinyTV Mini are designed to be highly power-efficient, making them ideal for use in battery-powered projects.

If you're looking for a powerful and versatile TV board for your next DIY project, the TinyTV 2 and TinyTV Mini is definitely worth considering. This mini TV was launched on Kickstarter, and they offer a range of features and capabilities that are sure to impress even the most demanding makers and hobbyists. So why wait? Get your hands on the TinyTV 2 or TinyTV Mini today and start taking your projects to the next level!