Real-time positioning with Centimeter-level accuracy is provided by the GPS-RTK Raspberry Pi HAT

The GPS-RTK HAT with onboard ZED-F9P module, a GNSS receiver that can simultaneously measure signals from constellations including GLONASS, GPS, Galileo, and BeiDou with an accuracy of 0.2 metres, was recently introduced by SB Components in a Raspberry Pi HAT.

Real-time positioning with Centimeter-level accuracy  is provided by the GPS-RTK Raspberry Pi HAT

Real-time kinematics (RTK) and multi-band GNSS technology are combined in the ZED-F9P positioning module for applications that need centimetre-level accuracy in real-time (i.e. robotics, autonomous navigation, etc.).

Without RTK, horizontal position accuracy is 2.5m and is 0.010m with RTK. For RTK, PVT, and RAW data, the maximum navigation update rate is 25Hz, 20Hz, and 20Hz, respectively. 

GPS-RTK Raspberry Pi HAT

As can be seen in the image below, this sensor-fusion board incorporates a 40-pin GPIO expansion header, four LEDs, an antenna connector, a USB type-C port, and a 1.14" LCD to display positional information. The gadget can support the Google Coral, the Jetson Nano board, and other development boards with a comparable physical factor, according to its product page.

Although the ZED-F9P may operate with a number of different communication protocols (UART, SPI, and USB), this particular Raspberry Pi Hat has been set up to use UART. After the Kickstarter campaign is over, the company will publish thorough documentation, according to a company spokeswoman.

You can purchase the GPS-RTK Raspberry Pi Hat on For $297, you may get the GPS-RTK board and GPS antenna in combination. A 2GB Raspberry Pi 4 model B, an HDMI cable, a GPS antenna, an SD card, and a power supply converter are all included in a more expensive ($371) pledge. Last but not least, the company is charging around $280 for a comparable product in a breakout size format.