Install Etcher on a Raspberry Pi!

This is a brief guide on how to get Etcher installed on your Raspberry Pi (On top of Raspbian)

We utilise Etcher, a disc utility programme, to burn pictures to discs.

You may now install etcher on your Raspberry Pi if you don't have a computer and wish to burn an image on a disc.

Learn How to Install Etcher on a Raspberry Pi!

It is extremely simple to set up etcher.


You must update the following before installing:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
The first thing you'll need to do after upgrading is download the zip file.

After that, you must unzip the file.

To do so, enter the following into your terminal (ctrl + alt + T):

sudo unzip /path/to/
Now that you've unzipped it, browse to the folder where Etcher is located and start it:
cd /path/to/Etcher/Balena\ Etcher/
sudo ./balena-etcher-electron
If you get an error like this while running./balena-etcher-electron: error loading shared libraries: file shared object cannot be opened: This file or directory does not exist.

If you didn't get the error skip to CREATING A SHORTCUT

Then rerun with the following command:

sudo apt-get install libgconfmm-2.6
Etcher should now be up and running on your Pi!


You might wish to make a shortcut because it's much simpler to start terminal from your desktop than from the command prompt. IT'S AN EXTREMELY ANNOYING PROBLEM!

In the terminal, type the following to create a shortcut:

sudo nano /usr/share/applications/etcher.desktop
We must inform the shortcut where to get Etcher and which icon to use in this file. To do so, type the following:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Disk Imaging Utility
GenericName=Balena Etcher
Exec=/path/to/Etcher/Balena\ Etcher/balena-etcher-electron
Ctrl + X, then Y, then Enter.

Save the icon to your photos folder after downloading it. If it isn't already called "Etcher-icon," rename it.

You've completed the task! etcher should now be accessible from the Applications menu! :)